Freedom of Speech

I met Michael Krizanc in Elliot Lake , he seemed sincere and made it very clear that he was at The Hampton in because he was invited by the Elliot Lake council. Because we are a mining community the repository cannot be built where there may be minerals as that may impact resources for the next generation.
The Chapleau area was mentioned as a likely location but it was immediately stated that they had not invited the nwmo
and accordingly they are not a likely candidate.
"We want to foster a dialogue of respect, so people can feel safe in expressing their views," said NWMO communications manager Michael Krizanc, who said he has no opposition to differing views, as they are needed in the process...."This is going to attract the world's attention when it's underway," said Krizanc.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Billion Dollar Deal to Die For

A fuel bundle for a Candu nuclear power reactor is about the size of a fireplace log. As of June 30, 2011, Canada had 2,273,873 used fuel bundles stored at its nuclear plants in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick. Another 85,000 or so have been added since then. In total, they’d fill about six NHL hockey rinks, stacked up as high as the boards
Some officials will tell you it is safe to have a Mall in Northern Ontario  with a parking lot built with cement slabs overhead and they have credebility because of engeneering reports, studies and inspections of  various kinds. What is missing is BASIC COMMON SENSE and the results are catastrophic.

The same BASIC COMMON SENSE should tell you that a NUCLEAR WASTE REPOSITORY can never never  be discribed as something that is safe and the results will be all the more Catstrophic